Thursday, 13 January 2011 23:00 |
Thefounder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales pronounced a speech during the anniversary celebration of his brainchild. It is worth reminding that Wikipedia is 10 years old.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011 23:20 |
From the 10th of Feb ruary the US cell users will be able to purchase the iPhone 4 on the Verizon Wireless. This was the official announcement of this on the 11th of January.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011 00:00 |
Google Docs started to support video playback. Users can watch video files in Googe Docs from now on. The files can be uploaded and stored in the cloud. One can easily reproduce them when needed using ordinary YouTube player. The player supports various formats.
This was one of the first good news from the company this year when Patrick Lacz, who works as Software Engineer, announced it. He informed that it is effortless to upload to Google Docks now.
It may take time to process video files, which the Google Docks users uploaded before, but you will be accessible too as soon as they are processed.
When you upload the video you can do it directly from the browser. The only thing that you need is to select the video, click on it if the format is supported and then play it.
There are a number of requirements though. First of all, not all video formats are supported and therefore can’t be played in Google Docks. So which ones are supported? These are WebM, MPEG4, MOV, 3GPP, AVI, MPEGPS, FLV and WMV.
The size of files can be up to 1 GB and it is possible to watch videos 1920X1080 pixels.
Though YouTube is the place where you can share your video files with other Internet users, you can do the same using also expanded support of Picasa. Now Google Doc entered this list too.
Google Docs started to supp ort video playback. Users can watch video files in Googe Docs from now on. The files can be uploaded and stored in the cloud.
Monday, 10 January 2011 22:29 |
According to the d ata of Financial Post online consumers spent over $2 billion dollars during the last year, buying different mobile applications on the biggest auction website eBay.
Sunday, 09 January 2011 20:43 |
The beginning of this year began with clean inboxes for numerous users of Hotmail. According to some rumors it was due to the downside in the cloud.
Saturday, 08 January 2011 00:00 |
According to Pew survey, 65% of American Internet users bought content online and it was calculated that the average monthly spending sum was $10.
Friday, 07 January 2011 14:46 |
Kindle owners will ha ve an opportunity to share chosen books with their friends for a couple of weeks...though at this time they are not able to read the books they borrowed.
Thursday, 06 January 2011 21:05 |
As anticipated, Intel has officially annou nced Core processors of 2nd-generation. But what became a surprise is that the chipmaker presented new online movie service.
Wednesday, 05 January 2011 21:02 |
PayPal is turn ing fast into the most widely used way of payment for Internet transactions, in spite of the fact that it was initially launched merely for eBay purchases.
Tuesday, 04 January 2011 17:18 |
Drupal 7 is going to be releas ed at last. 3 years have passed already from its last release. The last version will be available from the fifth of January.
Monday, 03 January 2011 15:38 |
Facebook bec ame the most visited web resource in the USA and left even Google behind according to the information from Experian Hitwise.
Sunday, 02 January 2011 17:05 |
Google is tryin g to get triumph in the small business market. Google has been making these efforts as the company is interested in the advertising market, which is rather lucrative.
Saturday, 01 January 2011 15:49 |
The water & stone Agen cy made a report concerning the use of CMS in 2010. The top remained the same as in the last year.
Friday, 31 December 2010 14:41 |
Similar to most p robable rivals, ASUS will show 1 media tablet as a minimum at CES 2011, and at least one will attract attention.
Thursday, 30 December 2010 20:33 |
This case has no precedent: a man is sued for reading e-mail of his former wife.The Detroit Free Press informs about the case of a person from Michigan who can obtain 5 year sentence after he read the e-mail of his wife.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010 17:52 |
Many people wonder if this is so mething that expects Internet in the future. The website was named as a ‘world’s first 3D website.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010 16:21 |
Among the open source e-co mmerce solutions of this year PrestaShop became a special gain in 2010.
Monday, 27 December 2010 22:55 |
The Cuban government wants to launch a Wikipedia of its own version in Spanish, which includes about 20,000 articles now.
Saturday, 25 December 2010 18:53 |
China is developing it s new microblogging service. There have been already over a million users registered on it at the moment.
Friday, 24 December 2010 23:37 |
Time of bleeding m oney has passed and Google at last proclaimed that YouTube is going to be very profitable resource.
Thursday, 23 December 2010 17:05 |
Two thirds of all Skype users all over the world can't enter their accounts. The disruption was provoked by problem with peer-to-peer interconnection system.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 00:00 |
There is so much ta lk on the web about HTML5, and in spite of the fact that it needs to be better, it is constantly improving. The enhancement is noticed and many browsers provide support for HTML5.