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The most popular website in the USA |
Monday, 03 January 2011 15:38 |
Facebook bec has received 8.93% of visits in the United States from the beginning of the year to November. obtained 7.19% of visits. Yahoo Mail appeared to be the third one and took the fourth place. YouTube follows then, making a noteworthy entrance at the group of 5. and Bing also have grown, while eBay left the top of the last year. This statistics is for a single website, so when we say Google’s figure, we say about the number of visits to and the same is referred to other websites. This detail is important as some research works can count Microsoft and Google sites. If we combine the online properties, Google will be certainly bigger as well as Microsoft in comparison with the social network. Facebook has left Yahoo behind lately, but there is still much work to catch up with these web giants. The Like button of Facebook spreads its vines throughout the virtual space, in addition to Instant Personalization work and Facebook Connect as well. Such companies as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft can offer online products not using the main domain and do not rely so much on it as Facebook. This is the reason for separate position of from and this is an interesting fact that Yahoo Mail became more popular Yahoo in the USA. |