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The Computer History Museum started its work |
Sunday, 16 January 2011 13:59 |
It is essential to have the exhibition of this kind as time has come when people need to understand the fundamentals of the way computers work. The invasion of computers into gadgets of all kinds: tablets, smartphones, TV and so on does not provide users with knowledge how it all operates thus creating the demand for such type of exhibition. What is happening inside all these devices? The exhibition will give an answer to this question. There are pricey exhibits there as well. One of them is computer at a price of 19 million dollars. This is the computer that was built at the period of WWII ENIAC, the one that was created in 1950 – the Univac. There are over 1,100 artifacts, 5,000 pictures in over 19 galleries that can be found at the exhibition. Visitors can see many documents, 5 mini theaters, can even play Pong the way it looked in the very beginning.
If you happen to travel in the vicinity of the Silicon Valley, you have a chance to visit one more place of interest in San Francisco Bay - The Computer History Museum.