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Apple over pricing of E-books faces lawsuit |
Tuesday, 22 May 2012 08:19 |
Apple and some other book publishers ha In addition to this attorney generals of 16 US states have also filed a lawsuit recently against Apple and three of its publishers. The complaint was filed with District Court of Western District of Texas. Apple along with three of its publishers namely Macmillan, Penguin Group and Simon & Schuster were included in the complaint saying that they allegedly hiked the prices of e-books. This alleged over pricing of e-books made the buyers to pay nearly $100 million extra. The state-led suit is aiming at putting an end to this practice of the companies while making them to pay back some of the amounts to the consumers. George Jepsen, Attorney General of Connecticut stated in a press conference that they are trying to make the companies give back some of the extra charges. As told by them, the consumer can ask for the payment in the form of a check or he can ask for credit against feature purchases. According to them Hachette and Harper Collins, one of the publishers of Apple has already agreed to pay the extra charges back.
However, it is not clear that how much of amount would be paid back to the consumers. Sharis Pozen, Assistant Attorney General clarified that their investigation revealed that each buyer had paid nearly $2 to $3 in each e-book purchase. All the claims received from Arizona, Alaska, Connecticut, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Vermont states were all included in the lawsuit. |