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Secret weapon of Asus |
Friday, 04 February 2011 22:50 |
Undoubtedly, the iPa But all will have to wait a bit when it is ready because it is on the unfinished stage yet. He said to the Computerworld that they do not want to reveal the news before it is completed. He did not add any details on the subject but it is not understandable what the talk is about. Does he say about the rival of the tablet, as it can be logically assumed, or means some secret component that will turn Asus devices into more powerful tablets in comparison with product from Apple?
Actually, it is interesting to point out that Mr. Shih made several hints in the interview that make us believe that he knows about the capabilities of the hardware of iPad 2, and does not consider them impressive. He considers them noticeably inferior to the NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform. But no matter what secret weapon of Asus might be, there is one certain thing: as the iPad was the first product in the segment of tablets therefore it is so successful, the successor encounters a more challenging task taking into consideration that it’ll compete with rival alongside with devices of other brands. |